Safety Tips

Safety Tips for Tutors Using the Platform:

Verify Personal Information: Ensure that your payout information is accurate to prevent payment issues. Double-check bank or Bkash details before submitting.

Maintain Professional Boundaries: Always conduct yourself professionally in both online and in-person settings. Keep communication and interactions focused on tutoring subjects.

Secure Personal Data: Be cautious about sharing personal information with students or guardians beyond what is necessary for tutoring purposes.

Report Suspicious Activities: Immediately report any suspicious or inappropriate behavior from students or guardians to Eudika.

Understand Cancellation Policies: Familiarize yourself with the platform’s cancellation policies to know your rights and responsibilities.

Stay Informed About Platform Changes: Regularly check for updates on platform policies, charges, and features to stay informed and compliant.

Safety Tips for Students/Parents Using the Platform

Have an adult present: An adult should always be present for tutoring sessions if the student is under the age of eighteen.

Check Tutor Credentials: Request and verify the credentials and qualifications of tutors, especially for subjects requiring specific expertise.

Use Platform Communication Tools: Communicate with tutors through the platform's provided channels to ensure safety and documentation.

Review Tutor Profiles and Reviews: Examine tutor profiles, ratings, and reviews carefully before hiring.

Monitor Tutoring Sessions: Especially for minors, guardians should supervise or periodically check in on tutoring sessions to ensure they are conducted appropriately.

Secure Payment Information: Make payments through the platform’s secure payment gateway and be cautious about sharing payment information.

Report Concerns Immediately: If you encounter any issues with tutors, such suspicious, illegal behavior, report to Eudika immediately.